Medicare rebates available for comprehensive hearing assessments referred by GPs or other medical practitioners. 

Child (Ages 0-3) Ear & Hearing Status

$110 ^ | 30 minutes

Who is it for?

  • Children with hearing difficulties (eg if they ignore you when you call them)
  • Children with frequently blocked ears, ear infections or tug on their ears regularly.
  • Consider if your child’s speech or language is unclear.
  • Highly recommended if you are exploring grommets for your child to compare pre- and post-surgery results.

What are the benefits for having my child's ear and hearing stuatus assessed?

Peace of mind that your child’s ears and hearing are working as they should.

Clarity about your course of action if you need to see a Speech & Language Pathologist for speech and language support or an Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) specialist for ear management.

What happens at the appointment?

We begin by exploring your child’s hearing and general health backgrounds and help to settle them into the appointment. 

We take images of their ears using our specialised camera, before assessing their middle ear function (via tympanometry) to provide us with information about their Eustachian tube function. 

We then check if their inner ears are responding to an automated hearing test (DPOAEs). This is adequate for children under the care of an ENT. 

We discuss these results with you so you can determine the best course of action to take for your child.

A report will be sent to their referring doctors and to you.

How should we prepare for the appointment?

We encourage you to book a time that your child can mostly likely be calm for approximately 10 to 20 minutes. 

For some people, preparing their child ahead of the appointment by telling the that someone will be looking in their ears can sometimes help to settle them ahead of time.

We sometimes require distractions during testing, so if you have any of your child’s preferred videos on your phone, that can be helpful for us to obtain all necessary results.

We try to avoid eating during testing as this can disrupt results.

Who will I be seeing?

Picture of Dr Gerard William

Dr Gerard William

Dr Gerard William, PhD, is an Audiology Australia accredited audiologist who has hearing impairment. He founded Hear With Me to provide warm, personalised and comprehensive hearing care that prioritises the needs and concerns of hearing impaired individuals and their loved ones.

More about Dr Gerard
Picture of Sabreena Zahrain

Sabreena Zahrain

Sabreena Zahrain is an experienced Audiology Australia accredited audiologist who has worked across several areas of audiology, specialising in ear wax removals, children and adult hearing assessments, and hearing rehabilitation. She is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals while also ensuring that you are cared for and met with warmth and clinical excellence.

More about Sabreena

What else should I know?

Please bring your doctor’s referral (if you have one) to your appointment.

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