Medicare rebates available for comprehensive hearing assessments referred by GPs or other medical practitioners. 

Services offered at Hear With Me Audiology Care include ear wax removal, adult hearing assessments, kids hearing assessments, tinnitus, hearing rehabilitation and hearing aids.

Connect with your loved ones through better hearing.

We Provide Audiology Care
For You & Your Loved Ones.

Heidelberg | Southbank

Dr Gerard William welcomes you to Hear With Me

Founding audiologist and hearing impaired Dr Gerard William (PhD) welcoming you to Hear With Me.

(See you if you can spot his hearing aids!)

Hearing Assessment with Care

Hearing Assessment

Get clear answers & quick reports. We comprehensively assess adults and children (3+) and also obtain the ear & hearing status of children below 3 years old.

Hearing Rehabilitation with care for all people

Hearing Rehabilitation

Reconnect with others as we guide you along the hearing journey. Our no obligation, honest & personalised approach puts your needs first. Book now to experience the difference.

Otoscopy for ear wax removal

Ear Wax Removal

Let's get those blocked ears sorted quickly. We offer safe and effective microsuction and curette removal with before and after photos.

Latest News

Dr Gerard William close up

Dr Gerard’s Personal Story of Hearing Loss

Although I was born with hearing loss, it was not picked up until I was 3. It wouldn’t be until I was 15 before I would get my first pair of hearing aids.

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Man with headphones getting his hearing tested

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
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Connections with family and friends are important.

Being able to hear clearly certainly helps us communicate much better – which we need for successful relationships!

At Hear With Me, our role is to ensure that you & your loved ones have what you need to communicate well & connect with each other.

Dr Gerard William close up

Dr Gerard William

Accredited Audiologist, Founder & Hearing Impaired

Choose us if

You are a savvy adult who wants to do better with your hearing.

You are a proactive parent keeping ahead of your child's ears & hearing.

Happy family and friends taking selfie at barbecue dinner - people having fun eating and drinking on patio house outdoor

You take great care of your parents and don't want them to miss out on life's key moments.

Sounds like you?

Our Services

Choose your best path towards hearing health. 

Hearing Assessments

Our comprehensive hearing assessment can help you reduce frustration and uncertainty when communicating with love ones.

Adult hearing tympanometry

Children's Ears & Hearing

We assess your child’s ear and hearing status using fun & age-appropriate techniques so you can be more confident to decide what they need.

Child playing a game as part of Play Audiometry

Hearing Aid Trials & Second Opinions

Our personalised Hear With Me approach is designed to ensure that you are set-up for success. Let us help you unlock your true potential for connection.

Adult hearing aid discussion
Hearing aids on offer

Ear Wax Removal

Let’s sort those blocked ears for you quickly. We offer safe and effective ear wax (cerumen) removal using microsuction or curettes. 

8 years old and older only.

Child having ear wax removed

Choose Us For

Audiology Care that is...


We want to ensure you receive optimal care.


Because you are unique.


Because our relationships matter.


Because integrity matters.

We work closely with local ENT Specialists to ensure that your hearing health is optimal.

About Us

Hear With Me

Hear With Me was inspired by the lived experience of hearing impaired and founder audiologist Dr Gerard William, PhD.

We exist to provide hearing care that puts your needs front and centre. 

Whether you seek our help for yourself, your partner, child or a parent, we aim to help you reconnect with those you love. 

Based in Melbourne, we work closely alongside local Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) specialists in Heidelberg to ensure that your hearing health is well-supported and optimal.

We recognise that hearing is only one part of our overall health and wellbeing therefore we incorporate both evidence-based and holistic views of care.

Hearing typically takes longer to successfully rehabilitate compared to eyesight, and effective partnerships between you, your family and us are needed to get good long-term results!

We’re in this for the long haul, so choose us to accompany you and your loved ones on the hearing journey.

Hear With Me | Audiology Care for You & Your Loved Ones
Dr Gerard William standing next to the Hear With Me reception sign

I look forward to welcoming you to Hear With Me. Allow us to help you & your loved ones!

Dr Gerard William close up

Dr Gerard William

PhD(Melb.), MAud(Dist.), BCom(Hons.),

Hearing Impaired | Accredited Audiologist |
Founder of Hear With Me

Main Qualifications

Key Memberships

Select Awards

HEARing CRC Scholarship

To complete a PhD at the University of Melbourne

Herbert J. Oyer Award

Jointly-awarded by Academy of Rehabilitative Audiologists (USA) in 2018

My Story

Dr Gerard William

Although I was born with hearing impairment, my hearing loss was not picked up by my mother until I was 3 years old… when I didn’t respond to her mealtime invitations from another room!

Off we went to our local audiologists and doctors!

Our health professionals made the decision to monitor my hearing annually. Times were different and they didn’t provide us with a lot of information about what we should do to manage my hearing. Since I seemed to be doing fine at school over the coming years, I wasn’t required to wear hearing aids as a child.

It wouldn’t be until I was 15 years old before I would get my first pair of hearing aids. A classmate of mine was annoyed by me asking him to repeat our teachers’ instructions, and he asked me to see his mother (an audiologist) who could let me try “tiny and invisible” hearing aids. My life was about to be changed forever.

I vividly remember the experience of being fitted with hearing aids, and having the world opened up to me – along with all the various joys and challenges of newfound hearing!

For example, I hadn’t realised that people could genuinely understand song lyrics without first reading them, and that cars and clothes made soft noises that others could hear. There was a lot to learn along the way – and answers were not easily found or explained!

In later reflections, my family certainly wished that we had understood more – about how much I had missed out when younger, and if I would’ve been fitted with hearing aids at a younger age if we have better information earlier. 

It is through this experience of audiology that I have been inspired to find a better way forward for hearing impaired people and their family members. 

Fast forward several years  of training and international practice and I have continued to dedicate my life to helping other people with hearing impairment hear better through an experience of care that is warm, personalised, honest and comprehensive.

Through HEAR WITH ME, I hope to be able to provide you with an audiology experience I wish my family had. 

I look forward to welcoming you to Hear With Me.

Allow Us to Help You & Your Loved Ones!


Professional Experience

Gerard has spent his lifetime around audiology, having grown up with a genetic hearing loss which was diagnosed at age 3 and fitted with hearing aids at age 15.

He trained in New Zealand where he completed his Master of Audiology (with Distinction). He then worked in diverse areas of audiology including hearing, tinnitus and vestibular diagnostic and rehabilitation across NSW, ACT and VIC.

He has lectured and taught clinically to Masters of Clinical Audiology students at the University of Melbourne where he completed his PhD in Audiology on scholarship from the HEARing CRC. His PhD research into person-centred hearing care explored how audiology clinics can better focus on the needs of hearing impaired individuals and their families to achieve better results.

He enjoys being involved in teaching and has presented at various national and international conferences.

Gerard was co-awarded the Herbert J. Oyer student research prize at the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiologists Institute (USA) in 2018 and has been published in the Hearing Journal. He has served on Australia and New Zealand audiology professional bodies, and is registered to practice as an audiologist in Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

Gerard founded Hear With Me Audiology Care in April 2020 to provide a fresh, family- and person-centred approach to hearing care ordered towards improving ear and hearing outcomes. He has since worked closely with local ENTs, GPs, health professionals and community groups to ensure that each patient is looked after at all stages of the audiological journey.

Professional Memberships

Read what others have experienced

We exist to provide hearing care tailored to the needs of people with hearing impairment and their loved ones. We believe that hearing is only one part of our overall health and wellbeing, so we incorporate both an evidence-based and holistic view of care. Our care is warm, personalised, comprehensive and honest.

Only 24% of hearing impaired Australians over 60 years old use their hearing aids.

We can do a whole lot better.

With the latest research combined with our experience, our dedicated HEAR WITH ME rehabilitation plan will help you get the most out of your hearing devices.

This means that our hearing aids do not stay in drawers.

Your hearing aids will be set-up so that you are happy with the sound, feel and look, so you can connect with others and enjoy the relationships you value most.

Choose us to journey with you today.

Hear With Me | Audiology Care

Facebook @hearwme

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Hear With Me?